Friday, March 31, 2006

Dissapointment but always look on the Bright side of Life

Got back results and i did miserably, i had known i would get a F but not 2 Fs. Although i feel miserable, i guess the only way i can go is up. Although i shouldn't really blame it on anything, i was not able to study during the March holidays. Well this is really a wake up call for me and i really have to start hitting the books. What i realised is that i need my content to fill the huge gap from where i am to the grades that i do want to achieve. I just hope that these results will be a wake up call to someone else as well and actually i think it will be a rude shock considering if Mrs Logan has to call him up.

Another reason for the gloom is the soccer match yesterday. The MJ soccer guys were against SAJC for the qualifying rounds and they lost 3-2. Both goals were scored by Adher and both were fantastic. The thing that really makes us sad is that, more goals could have been scored had the players been more aware of what was going on and not when the ball hits his head. There is no doubt about Adher's abilities but since he is playing a team sport, he does need the support of his teammates for the good of the whole team, like he told Lisa this morning: everyone was congratulating him on his goals but whats the use if it doesn't help the team. Another horrible thing that happened during the match is the lack of support from the Meridians who came down to watch the match. Whats really interesting is that those who were pretty reluctant to cheer the team were mostly made up of J2s. This is really disspointing considering that they witnessed the Finals last year and the J1s who had just entered MJ are more enthusiastic and seem to have more school spirit. So these two reasons combined to prevent me from sleeping last night after i got home from debate training yesterday as the match was replaying in my head repeatedly and my throat hurt from all the cheering and screaming.

Despite all the disspointments this week brought, i have a feeling that the next one will be a improvement as I can make a difference in my results, MJ can beat ACJ on Monday and perhaps the MJ supporters will be more supportive. To all those that are feeling down, cheer up and look on the bright side of life. It doesn't hurt anyone including yourself to be optimistic and it can actually give you a psychological boost to persevere. With that I can't wait for what next week brings......


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