Saturday, May 20, 2006

Its official

Well thursday was the day that i have been looking forward to for quite sometime. The drama folks had SYF on that day( to all drama peeps, just wanna tell you that your performance is really great, from the script to the costumes to the props and most importantly the actors themselves ) and there was Eldds elections held on the same day. Made a suggestion thanks to Steph about only having the Debaters to vote for debate head and nothing else coz this year there has been no interection what so ever between the drama and debate groups. Last year, Eldds really did live up to its name as both sides knew each other or maybe it could just be the fact that i knew everyone from Drama and Debates. Congrats to Nich for making into the position of Debate Head and all the best cause you seriously need it.

So its final, the J2s have stepped down from CCA officially and it really does feel good. Can't wait for the Alumni proposal to be crafted up and handed in. The need to personalise our eldds t-shirts is something quite pertinent but that means going all the way till Plaza Singapura to get the stuff from Spotlight.

Besides CCA there has been the behaviour of couple of people that have been very irksome. All i want to say to those is that if you feel you are being put at a disadvantage or being unfairly treated, just wait till you enter the working world or even earlier get into University. Seriously Nothing in this world ever seems fair, actually nothing is fair. Sometimes you just have to accept things the way they are and seriously start moving on, because you can take this experience, learn from it and perform better in the future in other situations.

I may seem harsh but i have always stood by this principle: somtimes you do have to take the bitter medicine to get better so in other words you may have to lose,fall, be ostracised and even ridiculed and face the criticism or music to become a better person. I may seem like a horrible friend but I am not called a friend if i simply keep praising you or supporting you even if you are doing the wrong things. I would rather see you fall than see you crushed because one can pick themselves up or have others to help them up and move on but how in the entire world do you expect me to help you when i can no longer do it if you are crushed. I will always be there to help you up from the fall and even help you prevent it, if you are really sincere in changing.

Besides all the gloom, A great piece of news is the fact that the MJC soccer guys have beaten JJC 1-o at the semis on Thursday, which i couldn't go thanks to the elections, and have secured themselves a place in the Finals against VJC for the 2nd time. The school admninstration and PE department has been absolutely generous in providing transport to Jalan Besar Stadium(as the National Stadium is being renovated) for both the J1s and J2s. It was completly unexpected especially for allowing the J2s to go down but then, my class was already scheming on Friday on how to persuade Mrs Logan, Mrs Chua and our PE teachers into letting us off after the Compass period. I guess till 7.30 pm on Thursday, the Soccer guys can train and get a great team put together while the rest of us can give them our full support and pray for them to bring back the Championship title again.


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