Saturday, September 23, 2006

Its Autumnal Equinox today!

For all who have some knowledge about geography and/or astrology would know that an Equinox-Autumnal Equinox occurs every year either on the 22nd or 23rd of September. This means that the globe will receive an equal number of hours of darkness and the sunlight. The Autumnal equinox also means that the Souther hemisphere now gets the honour to tip towards the sun which causes countries like Australia and New Zealand and The Southern tip of Chile to experience a change in Seasons from Winter to Spring. This is also why those Down wonder dream of a white christmas while those in countries of the Northern Hemisphere: Scendinavian, EU, The U.S and Canada have a white christmas. The Aussies and the Kiwis celebrate Christmas with Barbeques on the Beach while the Canadians and the Europeans enjoy Christmas with their Turkey and around the fire places or their heated homes.

Summer Solstice(21st June) is enjoyed in the Northern most countries: Finland, Swedan and Norway where they experience 24 hours of day light, while those Down Under freeze. Winter Solstice(21st Dec) means that that Antartica enjoys 24 hours of daylight while the Arctic up there freezes.

It would be amazing to experience 24 hours of sunlight. I experienced close to 15 hours of sunlight in New Zealand, but 24 hours would just be different. Also i would be one very tired person. Also, i would end up looking like some gigantic penguin thanks to all the layers of coats etc that i will be wearing. The sunlight will not prevent me from turning blue.

I am too much of a Spring and Summer person to enjoy the winter. Winter in India is too much for me at times although i do adjust eventually. Thats why i enjoy the Sun, the Light and the Heat so much although its too overbearing at times. Well, there is nothing i can do about the seasons except for moving to an area that experiences 4 different and distinct seasons. That would be fun, i guess.


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