Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Gone with the wind

Its approaching a year at the current position and i have realised that my childish ideals of the glamourous working life have been utopian indeed. The dreaming eyes have been opened and resulted in a mind boggling reconsideration resulting in the million dollar question as to whether to simply look at monetary benefits at the cost of mental and physical satisfaction.

The 2 weeks break taken simply to rest and relax at home did work its magic however the search for alternative positons showed an opportunity cost of job satisfaction vs job title.

While re-reading Good Wives by Lousia May Alcott, my thinking was reinforced  that it is a demanding world that never fails to expect women to be well versed in the feminine aspects of life despite financial independence. And this notion stands true till this day.

So i wish that my desire of being comfortably settled in life is not compromised with and although it seems my ideal have gone with the wind, i do wish that i may have the opportunity to give a young mind and heart the gentle nudges as she ventures through the stages to Womanhood.

AnneJ smiles