Make every experience an educational one
Last friday, i sprained my ankle when i jumped of the ODAC structure thingie with one foot first then the other and since i did not bend forward like we do for standing broad jump, i fell on the hard mats n on one foot......thus i sprained it!!!!!!!!!(for those of u who have never sprained ur precious ankle before, lemme tell u something.....IT HURTS LIKE HELL!!!!!!!) Thanks goodness for the first aid people who numbed my foot for the time being n bandaged it up for me....due to the lack of pain i joined in for the mass dance and did almost every step except those that involved twisting, hopping and jumping( that could be one reason for my ankle swelling up later).
The horrible thing about this sprained ankle was the fact that the next day(Saturday) it was the Red Cross humanitarian debates that i was supposed to attend but didnt. (btw Shu thanks for the Good Luck even though i didnt go and the girls were mighty depressed at the end of Saturday). On Friday night, the Grls came down to my place to compile our content and brush up on a lil bit of definitions.....but thanks to my swollen ankle i had to ask my parents to bring me to a doctor as i could only move the upper half of my body and my right leg. So when my parents came back, my mum came up to get me we realised that i simply couldn't guess what i modified my study chair(those computor lab kinds) as a wheelchair and dear Jashan roled me out to the door. The horrible thing about using the study chair is that if you push it straight it rolls diagnolly. Any way i was rolled all the way till the car and off we went to Changi GH. To say the truth, i had a bit of fun in the A & E, due to the real wheelchair( which is pretty easy to move around on my own) and yea it was the wheelchair that i had fun with, but i was completely grossed out at some of the bloody cases, i mean there was real blood i wasn't cursing or anything.
Well if it was n't bad enough if i had to use crutches(which i didnt use) Pricky refused to allow me to go for the debates on Saturday because she didn't want to take the responsiblity of me tripping and falling and she msged Jashan at 7 in the morning to tell me not to go!!!!!!!! If she was just mean to me it would have been fine and kinda acceptable but NO! The debates that day were horrible with tough motions, horrible adjudicators and 30 mins prep which we have never been trained or prepared for by Baldy. After the 2nd round the Grls wanted to concede a walkover for the 3rd round because they were really upset about their loss against SR when their case was definitely much better and the blond catholic women jus bashed the Grls with her horrible comments. What happened after that was an absolute disastor as Pricky left saying that she did not want to be involved. So the Grls were left to prepare for the 3rd round with 5 mins and just went for the 4th round for the sake of going for it.
I stayed at home on Mon and Tue as i had a mc and my ankle just refused to stop throbbing. Went to schl yesterday and came back with a swollen ankle, went to schl today to have my attendance taken and left right after that as my dad was waiting( yea yea i noe i am a kinda spoilt daddy's lil grl). Lisa was an absolute darling to walk me to the bus stop near the track, NurC and Van came to check on my ankle and told me to have a good rest. Thanks babes....
Actually thats what i did once i came home, changed and hit my bed and didn't wake up till about 11.50 a.m. Is this the life or what ( without the swollen sprained ankle)? Oh well i hope i get my anti-inflammatory cream tonight and my foot or rather my ankle gets better by tmw. I am praying really hard.......